Act Right With Acne

Admit it. At some point or the other in your life you have had to deal with obstinate, annoying and sometimes painful acne. Though it comes into being predominantly during one’s puberty it does affectseveral adults too; possibly because of lifestyle and hormone changes.

Reports say that about 80% of teenagers get some form of acne at some point in time, includingspots and painful reddish bumps on the skin. Acne is mostobvious on the face, but it also appears on the back, shoulders and even buttocks sometimes, making it hard to sit.

Acne is caused by the way our skin reacts to hormonal changes. The skin contains sebaceous glands that naturally release sebum; an oily substance that helps to protect it. During puberty, excess production of sebum is caused by raised levels of the hormone testosterone; in both boys and girls.

This sebum blocks the hair follicles and when dead skin cells mix with this blockage, it further leads to the formation of spots. When the bacteria in the skin slowly multiplies this ends up causingmuch pain and swellingsbeneath these blockages.

Acne can be identified with different kinds of spots:blackheads: tiny, blocked pores; whiteheads: small, hard bumps with a white tip or centre; pustules are spots with visible pus and nodules aremore hard, painful raised lumps under the skin.Severe bouts of acne can even cause scarring.

Care for acne

Refrain from picking at or squeezing spots/acne, as this can cause inflammation and subsequently lead to scarring of the skin. The spots will fadegradually, but leave redness on the skin, which lasts for a long time.

Avoid touching your skin. The less you touch it, the less are the chances of bacteria spreading to your skin.

Do not scrub your skin or use exfoliating creams and brushes. This will irritate the skin, leaving you feeling tender and painful.

Stress definitely causes acne to become worse. In women, their menstrual cycle affects/increases acne; this also occurs during pregnancy.

Eating a balanced, nutritious diet is good for your health, ensure you maintain that always.

Your trusted doctor willassess your acne is and refer you to a dermatologist, who will correctly advise you on the best care for your skin.